2016-12-18 — Survivor Finale

And from the remaining three emerged one Sole Survivor – Adam!

We have enjoyed this season’s theme and dream about what Survivor tribe we would be on.  Parents vs People without kids, Process Minded vs Creative Minded, Rich vs Poor – what would your tribe be?

Dealing with and understanding anxiety can be a benefit of being on Survivor.  One is thrown into a situation where he/she is one of a special select few but then all comforts and safety nets are gone too so it is a good time to learn to grow through issues and anxieties.  What other situations have you been in which have helped with social anxieties?

Final game play – Sunday, Brett, David and Jay’s strategies were unique and interesting but it was Adam, Hanna and Ken who had strategies that got them to the final three.

Next Survivor – Game Changers.  Hmmm, we have really enjoyed this season and the newness and uniqueness of the players, the simplicity of the game, and the challenges.   The next season brings back only returning players – I hope they have thought up something new for this already used format.

Tell us what you think about the show, this season, the upcoming season, and what Survivor match ups you would like to see.

Thank you all for listening, participating and being involved in Armchair Survivor.  We appreciate all of you.  Happy Holidays to all!

2016-12-04 — Love and Legacy

This week Ken got gifted the legacy advantage and Will worked to make his legacy.

  • Do younger people, younger men, or just Will and Mike, feel like they have to prove themselves as strong players/important at the young age of 18?
  • Was this loved one’s visit more touching than most?  What pros and cons are presented based on who visits you?
  • Has Survivor started to show and promote less underhandedness?  If so, why?

What did you think about this week’s episode?  What do you think the legacy advantage will provide Ken?  Which loved one would you choose to visit you on Survivor (I’m available!!)?

Please add your comments and tell us what you are thinking!  Thank you for listening.

2016-11-27 — Rainbow Connection

Two hours of survivor excitement!

  • Is it “ok” to lie in Survivor?  Are certain lies more acceptable then others?  Should you lie to form a stronger connection with someone?
  • We, as people, are continuing to grow.  Brett and Zeke’s approach to discussing being gay was interesting and promising.
  • What makes a player interesting?  Being too abrasive, perfect, whiny or boring isn’t the answer but one needs to be a combination to be successful in the game or at least in life.
  • Tribal Council – wow!

Please comment and tell us how what you think of this week’s episode and the topics we discuss in the podcast.  Do you agree?  Do you think we are way off?  Either way is fine – we look forward to your opinion.

Join us next week!


2016-11-20 — Secrets

Jeff and Mark work to enforce groups as they have set up the players but do the players keep in those groups?  If they do, why?  And, if they don’t why?  How do people group together and with who would you first identify?

Oh, and of course we had to talk about this – stealing food.  Is it a millennial trait or just an act of a person who doesn’t really think of others and expect people to understand his/her’s reasoning?

We are sorry we missed last week and were happy to be back and we look forward to your opinions and comments about the show and players.

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate.

2016-10-30 — Age Changes Your Perspective

Are the differences motivated because of their titled generation – Millennials vs Gen X or is it an age differences thing?

We talk through:
– Carrino camping vs. Survivor
– Will the truth service you well in this game
– Taking direction
– What we need to learn from the generations that come after us
– Mickayla and her strategy to help Michelle and Zeke

Tell us what you think about this week’s episode, about who was voted out and your opinions by commenting below.

Thank you all for listening!